The Art of Amigurumi

noun, (a-me-goo-roo-me)
the art of crocheting or kniting a stuffed toy
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Amigurumi is one of the main reasons I started crocheting. To me, it is one of the cutest parts of crafting. I learned about amigurumi a month ago from my best friend. She gave me an acorn that she had crocheted herself. It was so cute that I just had to give it a try!

To make amigurumi, you’ll need yarn, a crochet hook, stuffing, plastic eyes, felt, a needle and thread. Crochet balls are the basic structure of amigurumi character’s body and face. However, these crochet balls are one the the biggest challenges for me. For some reason, I just can’t get the ball to take proper shape no matter how many Youtube videos or books I read. But hopefully while blogging I’ll be able to teach you and myself how to crochet balls! According to Amigurumi Toy Box: Cute Crocheted Friends, it says to stuff the toy so it retains and holds its shape. However, you’re not supposed to stuff it too much or else the stitches will show and the fabric will stretch.

Plastic eyes, buttons, a needle and thread, and felt are all used for the face or body of the toy. Some amigurumi require needle and thread to embroider or stitch the faces of the toys. Additionally, amigurumi are sometimes required to be sown together. Felt can be used for the body or face to replace embroidered noses or eyes. For example, sowing on black felt for tiger stripes or bee wings. Buttons are used for the toy’s clothing or face. In many patterns, you’ll find the use of plastic eyes. However, plastic eyes are sometimes dangerous for young infants to play with. Therefore, embroider or use felt to replace plastic eyes. All of these materials can be found at a craft store.

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For the holidays, I got this awesome book called Amigurumi Toy Box: Cute Crocheted Friends. So every other week or so, I’ll share some of my favorite patterns for these adorable toys. Hope you like it!